Add signature and logo

This setting enables the businesses to upload their branding elements, such as digital signatures and company logos, which can be included on the commercial and proforma invoice customs documents related to the shipments.

In SAPIENT, you can add logos and signatures to enhance the your brand visibility and professionalism by ensuring that all shipping documents are consistent with the company’s branding, providing authentic and trustworthy representation of the business, particularly when dealing with customers and partners.

To add signature and logo in SAPIENT, follow the steps as explained in the following procedure.

  1. In the left navigation panel, select Customs Settings > Signatures and Logos.
Accessing signatures and logos

Accessing signatures and logos

  1. In the Signatures and Logos page that opens, select alt text.
Accessing option to add signature and logo

Accessing option to add signature and logo

  1. In the Add Signature and Logo form that opens, in the SHIPPING ACCOUNT block, from the dropdown menu, select the shipping account for which you want to add the signature and logo.
Selecting shipping account

Selecting shipping account

  1. After, in the SIGNATURE AND LOGO block that appears, enter the necessary information as explained in the following table.
Entering signature, logo and their details

Entering signature/logo details

Shipping LocationFrom the dropdown menu, select the shipping location for which you want to add the signature and logo.

You can also select All if you want to add the signature and logo for all the existing shipping accounts.
Logo ImageSelect Choose File, follow the prompts of your computer, and then select the logo file that you want to upload.

Alternatively, drag the desired logo file to this field.
Signature ImageSelect Choose File, follow the prompts of your computer, and then select the signature file that you want to upload.

Alternatively, drag the desired signature file to this field.
Signature NameEnter the name of the signature that you have uploaded.

Note: This field is only required if the signature file is uploaded.
  1. After entering all the relevant information, select alt text.

Once selected, the signature and logos is added successfully and appears in the Signatures and Logos list. You can now use them in your label, CN23, or any commercial invoice generated by this system.



If you want to remove a specific signature and logo, then in the Signatures and Logos list, next to the one you want to delete, select alt text.

Deleting pre-registration number

Deleting signature and logo