Royal Mail import service

The Royal Mail import service is a logistic solution provided by Royal Mail that facilitates the importation of goods into the UK from overseas. It is designed to simplify the process of receiving international parcels and packages, ensuring that they are delivered efficiently and securely to the customers.

If you wish to use the Royal Mail import services, you can integrate with the Intersoft SAPIENT and start your seamless importing journey.



This section is only applicable if you are a Royal Mail customer who is importing goods into the UK. Before initiating the integration, make sure you have an agreement with Royal Mail to use this service.

To integrate with the Royal Mail import services via SAPIENT, follow the instructions as explained in the following procedure.

  1. At first, ensure to activate your account on SAPIENT. Upon activation, a confirmation email is sent to you from [email protected], respectively. Proceed to activate your account as directed in the email.

  2. After, proceed to creating your API credentials.

  3. Now, on the SAPIENT Home page, select Integrations. On the Integrations page that opens, within the Royal Mail block, select LABELS.

Selecting Royal Mail labels integration

Selecting Royal Mail labels integration

  1. On the integrations page that opens, in the LABELS block, select ACTIVATE.
Activating Royal Mail labels integration

Activating Royal Mail labels integration

  1. Once activated, now proceed to adding the shipping account and shipping location for Royal Mail.



For Sandbox (Test) account, you can fill the information with dummy details. For more information on how to set up a Royal Mail shipping account , refer to the Setup Royal Mail shipping account section.

  1. After, develop all the API calls required considering the ones applicable to you:
  1. Once all the necessary steps have been completed, you are now ready to go live. Before getting you live on board, make sure you complete our Test Pack and submit it at [email protected].



A test pack is a critical step in the implementation process, ensuring a smooth transition to the live environment and minimising disruptions in shipping operations.

Once the Test Pack is approved, our team will switch your account to Production and share with you the details on the sign off process required by Royal Mail.

Please direct any questions or issues with this service to [email protected].. For INTERSOFT to investigate your issue accordingly, kindly include copies of both the API request and API response.



While submitting your issues to Intersoft, please do not include your API credentials in the request.

See also

If you are interested in our tracking solution, refer to the following sections on how to set up our tracking webhook solution:

  • Tracking webhook: set up the webhook connection, create tracking account, and much more.
  • Response examples: view response example of the tracking webhook push notification payload, as sent to a customer's webhook when tracking information is received from a carrier.
  • Royal Mail tracking account setup: set up Royal Mail tracking account .



To enable the Tracking Webhook solution, please contact our Customer Solutions team.