Freight 2 Post Customers - requirements

Shipment arrives in the UK as Freight but Royal Mail collect these items from the airline handler before converting them from Freight into Post for the purpose of customs clearance. Once converted / recognised as Postal, Royal Mail presents items to customs as postal items before injecting them into the UK network.

Shipper AddressBased in another country
Return AddressReturn to Sender section of Create Shipment request to be populated with the Royal Mail HWDC Distribution Centre address:

CompanyName: COMPANY NAME - Royal Mail Heathrow Worldwide Distribution Centre
Line1: Axis Park, Hurricane Way
Postcode: SL95 1FP
Customs DocumentationRequired
Manifest - Royal Mail Sales Order SummaryManifest Shipments API request must still be completed.
Printing of the Royal Mail Sales Order Summary is not required, as there is no one to hand the paperwork over to and the customers provide the pre-alert data to HWDC which acts as a replacement of the manifest paperwork
Royal Mail Sign OffRequired - CDS checks and physical label sign off. Details on this will be shared once the Sandbox Test Pack is approved.
Create Shipment field requirementsPlease click here to access a list of all of the Create Shipment fields required for Freight 2 Post customers.