Sandbox vs Production account

Sandbox and Production are two different instances in software development and deployment, each serving different purposes.

A Sandbox is a testing environment that stimulates the production environment but is isolated from the real-world operations. In this environment, the developers and testers can experiment, develop, and test applications without affecting the systems. The main purpose of the Sandbox environment is to ensure functionality, identify bugs, and experiment with new features safely.

On the contrary, a Production environment is the live setup where the applications or systems operate and is accessible to the end users or customers. The primary goal of the Production environment is to provide a stable, secure, and reliable service to users.

In SAPIENT, during your initial onboarding you are given access to the Sandbox account. This is essentially a test environment where you can create test labels and familiarise yourself with the system as well as testing your API credentials.

Once you are onboarded, you are then ready to go live. With that, you are provided with the access to our live Production account where you can officially start shipping and creating labels via SAPIENT.



Always be aware of what account you are logged into. Any shipments accidently created in theProduction account are counted. Which means, that these shipments are created with the carrier as live shipments and may be billed.