Switching the account onto production mode

Once Sandbox Test Pack is approved - we will switch your account onto production mode.

Please follow the below steps to set up Live Shipping Account:
a. Add Shipping Account, ensuring that the Account Type is set to Production, and it is being populated with the correct Royal Mail account details – Royal Mail Account Number, Posting Location and Account Registered Email (e-mail address used to access your OBA to view billing and reporting) - more information on this can be found here..
b. Once added – an automatic request will be sent to OBA team. It may take couple of working days for them to review it and either accept it or reject it (depending if the RM account details provided are correct).
c. If OBA request is accepted – the Account Status will change from Disabled to Enabled.


Please note: the Shipping Account you have already set up should stay as Sandbox Account Type and you can continue using it for any testing you may need to do in the future.

d. You will then be able to to proceed with the label sign off required by Royal Mail, different depending on the type of Royal Mail customer you are:

  • for Royal Mail importers using Commercial Clearance route as well as Tracked High Volume customers - physical label sing off, where you will be requested to create couple of labels, manifest them and ship them to Royal Mail.
  • For Royal Mail importers using Freight 2 Post route - CDS checks as well as physical label sign off.
    CDS checks - you will be requested to create couple of labels, manifest them and share with us the PDFs, so they can first be checked in terms of account setup.

The full details on this will be shared with you closer to the date.

e. Once labels signed off and go-live agreed with Royal Mail – you can start shipping using Intersoft SAPIENT.


If you intend to use Tracking Webhook:

please make sure to create a new Tracking Account for newly added Shipping Account.