Edit shipping account

Editing shipping account enables users to update the shipping details, such as contact information, shipping locations, account name, account type, and so on.

The editing process ensures that the information is current and accurate, which is crucial for timely and correct shipping operations. Additionally, this process has the following advantages:

  • Error correction: when incorrect information is entered, it can be easily edited to rectify errors, helping to avoid shipping delays or returns caused by wrong details.
  • User experience: enhances user experience by allowing for seamless updates to shipping preferences or settings based on changing needs.
  • Integration with other systems: helps to keep shipping information synchronized with other systems, such as inventory or order management systems.

To edit a shipping account in SAPIENT, follow the steps as explained in the following procedure.

  1. On the Home page that opens, in the left navigation panel, select Shipping Accounts.
Accessing shipping accounts

Accessing shipping accounts

  1. On the Shipping Accounts page that opens, from the list of shipping accounts, select the account that you want to edit.
  2. In the View Shipping Account[account name] page that opens, select alt text.
Selecting option to edit shipping account

Selecting option to edit shipping account

  1. In the Edit Shipping Account[account name] form that opens, edit the necessary fields as explained in the Add Shipping Account section. Select alt text.
Editing shipping account

Editing shipping account



The fields in theEdit Shipping Account form may differ based on the carrier account you choose. For more information on how to correctly fill these fields, refer to the Carrier specific user guides section of our documentation.

Once the changes are saved, the shipping account is updated successfully.