Side navigation panel

The side navigation panel is located on the extreme left of the SAPIENT application. It incorporates the set of core features that you can use to quickly navigate to specific pages in the application, view the contents, set your preferences, perform your desired actions, and so on.

Side navigation panel

Side navigation panel

In SAPIENT, you can use the side navigation panel to navigate through various categories, pages, or functionalities without cluttering the main content area. The side navigation panel is comprised of the following:

  • Home: link to the main landing page of the application.
  • Shipment Search: a feature for users to look up shipments using shipping locations and date filters.
  • Shipment processing: an option that provides you with the details on managing or processing shipments.
  • Maintenance: a block that provides you with core operations that you can perform on your shipments, such as, creating a shipping account, adding users, products, and so on.
  • Utilities: a block that provides you with the miscellaneous actions, such as logging out of the application.