Create Tracking Account

To allow the system to automatically track shipments created on Intersoft SAPIENT or our other shipping Platform Intelligent Shipper and send tracking updates to the Tracking Webhook, Tracking Accounts must be set up.


System set-up:

Before you can set up a Tracking Account, you will need to ensure you have done the below steps first:

  1. Successfully enabled the label integration with your chosen carrier via the Integration Activation screen. Find details how to set up a Shipping Account here.
  2. Enable the tracking integration with your chosen carrier via the Integration Activation screen.
  3. Setup your tracking webhook. More information on how to do this can be found here. Once you have set up your tracking webhook once, you will not need to do this again.

Adding a Tracking Account:

  1. Select API > Tracking Accounts > Add Tracking Accounts
  2. Select the Carrier you want to track via the drop down
  3. Select Shipping Account by choosing:
    1. a dedicated Shipping Account to track
    2. All Shipping Accounts belonging to your Customer Account. By selecting this option tracking will be automatically provided for all existing Shipping Accounts and any new Shipping Accounts that will be added to your Customer Account.

Once Tracking Account is set up, any carrier tracking data for this account will be sent to your Tracking Webhook.



The above is just a generic overview on how to set up a Tracking Account. Setting up a tracking account will vary depending on the carrier you are setting this up for. Therefore, please refer to our carrier specific guides to find individual instructions on how to set up a Tracking Account with that chosen carrier.