Add user

Adding a user involves creating a new account within the system for individuals who will be involved in shipping operations. This process includes assigning roles and permissions appropriate to their responsibilities

The main purpose of adding users is to enhance collaboration among various departments, ensuring efficient communication and coordination in logistics operations. It established accountability by tracking users actions, thereby promoting responsibility.

Moreover, different roles and permissions improve security by restricting access to sensitive information, while also allowing for a customised user experience.



You cannot add or manage users via API.

In SAPIENT, users with the Admin role can add users and assign them specific roles and permissions. To add users in SAPIENT, follow the steps explained in the following procedure.

  1. In the left navigation panel, select Users.
Accessing users

Accessing users

  1. On the Users page that appears, select the Add User button.
Selecting option to add user

Selecting option to add user

  1. On the Add User form that opens, In the USER TYPE block, from the Type of User dropdown, select the user type from the list of available ones.
Specifying user type

Specifying user type

  1. In the CUSTOMER DETAILS block, from the Location dropdown, select the location of the user from the list of available ones. Optionally, you can turn on/off the Restrict to own shipments toggle, enabling the users to do the following:
  • Toggle on: view, manage, and interact with shipments that they have personally created or are directly responsible for it.
  • Toggle off (a default state): gain access to view and manage all shipments within the system. However, If the user is assigned to a customer account, then with the toggle turned off, the user will be able to view shipments for their own customer account only, not all shipments in the system.
Entering customer details

Entering customer details

  1. In the USER DETAILS block, enter the necessary information as explained in the following table.
Entering user details

Entering user details



In the following table, the mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Upload AvatarDrag the image that you want to upload to this block, or simply click the upload (cloud) icon to select the images from the desired location on your computer.
Email Address*Enter a valid email address that is accessible to the user you are adding.
Display Name*Enter the display name for the user you are adding.
Contact NumberEnter a valid contact number that is accessible to the user you are adding.
  1. Now, after entering the user details, in the PERMISSIONS block, next to each permission, turn the toggle on to assign the necessary permission to the user you are adding.
Assigning permissions

Assigning permissions

In SAPIENT, you can assign the following permissions to the users:

  • Carrier accounts Administrator: to manage carrier accounts for all assigned carrier(s).
  • Customer Configuration Manager: to update settings relating to the customer.
  • History access: access to previous shipments and manifests.
  • Shipment Manifesting: to manifest the shipments via the SAPIENT UI.
  • User Administrator: to manage website users.



The availability of the permissions may vary based on the selected location of the user.

  1. After entering all the necessary user details, select the Add User button.

Once done, the new user is created successfully and a corresponding success message displays in the Add User dialog. From the dialog, you can either choose to continue editing the user or go back to the Users list.

Confirmation message

Confirmation message

After the user is added, a confirmation is sent to the specified email address. Once the user confirms it and set their user credentials (username and password), the status of the user account is set to Active.



The Admin user has the access to all functionalities, but an Administrator, Lead or Operator must be assigned to different permissions. Whether the user has accepted the invite or not, you can quickly update their roles and permissions straight from theUsers tab on the Edit User page. Make your choice and select the Save Changes button to update your changes.