Add EVRi shipping account

A shipping account is a specific account set up with a shipping carrier or logistics provider that enables businesses to manage shipping activities.

In SAPIENT, you can create a shipping account with EVRi, assign your EVRi credentials to it, and then link it to the relevant shipping location(s).



Before you can set up a shipping account, make sure you have enabled the label integration with EVRi.

To add a shipping account for EVRi in SAPIENT, follow the instructions as explained in the following procedure.

  1. Log in to the SAPIENT platform using your credentials.
Logging into SAPIENT

Logging into SAPIENT

  1. On the Home page that opens, in the left navigation panel, select Shipping Accounts.
Accessing shipping accounts

Accessing shipping accounts

  1. On the Shipping Accounts page that opens, select the Add Shipping Account button.
Accessing option to add shipping account

Selecting option to add shipping account

  1. On the Add Shipping Account form that appears, in the ACCOUNT DETAILS block, fill in the necessary information as described in the following table.
Entering account details

Entering account details



In the following table, the mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Carrier*From the dropdown list, select EVRi.
Shipping Location*From the dropdown menu, select the shipping location that you want to assign to the shipping account you are creating.
  1. In the SHIPPING ACCOUNT block, enter the necessary information as explained in the following table.
Specifying shipping account details

Specifying shipping account details



In the following table, the mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Carrier Account Number*Enter the account number for EVRi. This can also be known as your EVRi ClientID.

The format of the account number must be compliant with the carrier you have selected.
Account Name (if different than customer)*Enter the name of the account you are adding. This can also be known as your EVRi Client Name.
Account Type*From the dropdown menu, select one of the following account types that you want to set up for the the shipping account you are adding:

Production: a live environment where the final version of the application is deployed and made available to the users.

Sandbox: a testing environment that mimics the Production environment but is isolated from it. The sandbox environment is primarily used for development and testing purposes.
Alias*Enter a custom name which can be used in the API request instead of using the shipping location ID when connecting to us. Therefore, it is recommend that this name must be memorable and available for reference purposes.
Contact Name*Enter the contact name for the account you are adding.
Contact Number*Enter the contact number for the account you are adding.
  1. In the CARRIER DETAILS block, enter the necessary information as explained in the following table.
Entering carrier details

Entering carrier details



In the following table, the mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Username*Enter your username (EVRi API credentials) These are received via email from EVRi's IT integration team for both the Test (SIT) and Production (Prod) environment.

Note: If you have chosen Sandbox in the Account Type field of the SHIPPING ACCOUNT block, then enter your SIT credentials.
Password*Enter the password for the username you have entered. This is received via email from EVRi's IT Integration team for both the Test (SIT) and Production (Prod) environment.

Note: If you have chosen Production in the Account Type field of the SHIPPING ACCOUNT block, then enter your Prod credentials.
SMS Alert Group CodeEnter the alert group code that is allocated to you by EVRi.

This feature is only required if you wish to use the SMS notification enhancement.
  1. After entering all the required information, select the Add Shipping Account button.

Once done, you have now successfully added a shipping account. You can now add a shipping location to your new shipping account.

Account approval

Once you have created the EVRi shipping account, the account needs to be approved before you start using it to ship with EVRi.

To get your shipping account approved, consider the following:

  1. If the account type you have created is Production, you will receive a confirmation email.
  2. Initially, the account status is set to 'Disabled' until the account has been approved by the EVRi's IT integration team. This can typically take 2-5 working days.
  3. Once the account has been approved, the status of your shipping account is change to 'Enabled'. You can check the account status by viewing the shipping account or via the Get Account API.
  4. If the account cannot be approved, we will contact you and advise accordingly.



Shipping account(s) can be added and managed via API. For more information, refer to the API References section.