The service descriptions for Royal Mail's HVD and ITO services have been updated to ensure alignment with the latest specifications. The service name for HVD has been changed from "INTL BUSINESS TRACKED EXPRESS NPC" to "INTL BUSINESS TRACKED PRIORITY," while the ITO service name has been updated from "DEImpNonUK TrkPCL Hvy (EMS)" to "DE Import Non-UK Tracked Parcel Cmp Heavy (DEImpNonUK TrkPCLCmp Hvy (EMS))." These updates reflect the current shipping services offered and enhance clarity for users.
The tracking integration for Royal Mail has been updated to enhance the accuracy of tracking information delivered through the SAPIENT tracking webhook. The Royal Mail tracking event "EVRTS" (Delivered back to sender) is now correctly mapped to the new INTERSOFT tracking event "UDTS" (Delivered to Sender) and assigned to the milestone category "Undeliverable." This change ensures that customers receive precise tracking updates, eliminating confusion regarding successful deliveries. The Royal Mail tracking translation file has been updated accordingly, allowing for seamless integration of this new mapping in the SAPIENT system.
For more information on the previous release notes, refer to the SAPIENT archived release notes section.