Webhook suspension

A list of possible error codes are listed below with a brief description of what they mean.

Error CodeError MeaningDescription
400Bad RequestThe server cannot understand a request that's been made. This can happen when there is a simple error in the request.
401UnauthorizedRequest was not successful because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource.
402Payment Required EXPERIMENTALIndicates that the client must make a payment to access the requested resource.
403Forbidden (Unauthorized)Occurs when you do not have permission to access a web page or something else on a web server.
410GoneThe Requested resource is permanently unavailable on the server. This occurs when a resource has been intentionally removed or retired and will not return.
413Payload Too LargeThe size of the request exceeds the server’s file size limit.
414URI Too LongThe requested URL (or URI) is longer than the server can interpret or process.
415Unsupported Media TypeThe server refused to accept the request because the payload format is not supported.
416Range Not SatisfiableReturned if the partial Range Request sent by the client does not make sense for the given resource.
417Expectation FailedThis error indicates that the server could not do what was asked in the ‘Expect’ header of a request. This often happens when the server or something in its response process doesn’t support the conditions in the ‘Expect’ header.
418I'm a teapot
426Upgrade RequiredMust switch to a different protocol proposed by the server to continue.
428Precondition RequiredSent by the server when the you need to submit the HTTP request conditionally, but an appropriate HTTP header was not part of the HTTP request.
501Not ImplementedThis status code is received when the web server does not support the facility required. This is not something you can fix as it requires a fix by the web server admin.
505HTTP Version Not SupportedThe server does not recognize or support the HTTP protocol version specified in the client’s request.
506Variant Also NegotiatesSent from a server when there is an issue with the server.
510Not ExtendedIndicates that the server requires additional extensions to fulfil a request.
511Network Authentication RequiredTypically used when a client needs to authenticate to gain network access, but hasn’t.


Please Note:

If the Webhook is suspended, an email would be sent out to the Email Address of the customer account linked to the tracking webhook.